After Hours Care


Your after hours care is important to us.  If you are unwell outside our extended operating hours (8-8 Mon-Fri, or after 12pm Saturday) then please either call 111 if it is an emergency, or call Healthline on free phone 0800 611 116 (further information at Healthline) or visit Pegasus Health 24 Hour Surgery (information below).

If you attend an after hours clinic, please let them know you are registered at Rolleston Central Health and this will ensure a copy of your consultation notes is sent to us.

All our doctors contribute to the wider health of Canterbury in a variety of ways beyond their GP hours.  We are a member of the Pegasus Health 24 Hour Surgery and our doctors often work shifts here in addition to seeing regular patients at Rolleston Central Health.  They are located at 401 Madras Street (corner of Bealey Ave and Madras Street) and they are a walk-in clinic – no appointment required.  Please phone 03-365-7777 if you need to give them a call.  For fees information please click here