Please complete the online form and our reception team will be in touch.

 Note all patients will require an appointment with a nurse as part of the initial enrolment process, the cost for this is $43 ($19.50 CSC).


Please enjoy our WINTER 2024 NEWSLETTER, the first in a series of quarterly newsletters we aim to use to help keep patients up to date and involved in our practice.


Telephone Nurse Triage/Advise calls will now incur a $20 fee (inline with other health providers to cover staff costs), except in the following situations:

  1. You will not be charged for the triage call if you attend an appointment for the issue discussed.
  2. Please use the portal for repeat prescriptions but calls for prescriptions will incur a script fee only.
  3. Children 13 years and under will not be charged.

Welcome to myindici™ – your new Patient Management System
Already registered?  Click here to log into My Indici
Not yet registered?  Click here to register for MyIndici

Our priority is patient and staff safety. PLEASE DO NOT COME INTO OUR MAIN ENTRANCE IF YOU HAVE COUGH OR COLD SYMPTOMS. Masks are required.
If you require an URGENT same day appointment, please phone 033472614 to leave your name and number for a nurse to call you back.

Introducing Practice Plus – Virtual After-Hours Consultations

We now offer a new virtual after-hours consultation service for our patients. Practice Plus, which is run by NZ registered general practitioners is now available between 5pm – 10pm weekdays and weekends/public holidays 8am – 8pm.



Please note that this practice is contributing to, and accessing healthcare information from HealthOne


What is HealthOne?

HealthOne is a South Island based secure electronic record that allows registered healthcare providers directly involved in your healthcare, to quickly access information such as your test results, allergies, medications, GP summaries and hospital information. HealthOne strictly adheres to the principles of the Privacy Act 2020 as well as the Rules set out in the Health Information Privacy Code 2020.  Access is only possible via an approved highly secure healthcare information network which is regularly audited and tested.  Privacy auditing is used to check that only those directly involved in your care are accessing your information.  To find out more about HealthOne please visit https://healthone.org.nz/.  Please note that you are entitled to restrict the sharing of your healthcare records by contacting 0508 837 872 or 

emailing HealthOne.privacy@pegasus.health.nz”